ENigeria Newspaper or ENigeriaNews is an independent daily newspaper in print and online dedicated to the objective coverage of Nigerian Politics and Current affairs.
It provides relevant, well-written, unique, and objective content.
We are an independent news organization focused on serving the Nigerian public and the global community at large with verified news reports.
We strictly adhere to the principles of journalistic integrity.
Editorial standards and ethics
Our ethical code is completely reliant on the fairness, accuracy, and candor of our contributors to act with honesty, transparency, and independence, including independence against conflicts of interest.
Truth and Accuracy
We expect the highest degree of accuracy from our journalists and correspondents. The cardinal principle of journalism is to get facts from verifiable sources. Aiming for accuracy at all times, ENigeria Newspaper or ENigeriaNews always strives for accuracy, provides all the relevant facts available, and ensures that they have been verified.
Because ENigeria Newspaper does not overtly or informally advocate on behalf of specific interests, whether political, corporate, or cultural, our correspondents are required to be independent voices. There is always independent fact-checking performed by other employees or performers during the publication process.
Fairness and Impartiality
Most stories have at least two sides. While there is no obligation to present every side in every piece, stories are balanced and add context. Impartial reporting builds trust and confidence.
Our reporters do not harm. What ENigeria Newspaper or ENigeriaNews publishes or broadcasts may be offensive to some, but it is aware of the impact of its words and images on the lives of others. Private persons have privacy rights that must be balanced against the public interest in reporting information about them.
A sure sign of professionalism and responsible journalism is the ability to hold oneself accountable. Corrections are published when errors are discovered.
Table of Content
- Diversity Policy
- Editorial standards and ethics
- Hate speech and bullying
- Safety and inappropriate content
- Verification / Fact-Checking Policy
- Unnamed Sources Policy
- Corrections policy
- Actionable Feedback Policy
Hate speech and bullying
- Enigerianews.com content must not incite hatred and/or discriminate against people on the basis of their race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, etc.
- Our content do not harass, intimidate or bully a person.
Safety and inappropriate content
- ENigeriaNews.com will not post articles that threaten or advocate for harm to oneself or others.
- ENigeriaNews.com news will not post content that contains graphic sexual text, images, audio, or videos.
- We will not publish articles that contain non-consensual sexual themes or promote a sexual act in exchange for compensation.
- We will not publish any content containing child sexual abuse.
- ENigeriaNews commits to not posting any adult themes within family content.
- We will not post any articles containing malicious or unwanted software.
- ENigeriaNews will not post any content that promotes illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others.
Verification / Fact-Checking Policy
Under ENigeriaNews policies and guidelines, material from anonymous sources may be used only if:
- The material is information, not opinion or speculation, and is vital to the news report.
- The information is not available except under the conditions of anonymity imposed by the source.
- The source is reliable, and in a position to have accurate information.
ENigeriaNews strictly follows two statements contained in The SPJ Code of Ethics on anonymous sources:
- Identify sources whenever feasible.
- The public is entitled to as much information as possible on sources’ reliability.
- Always question sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Clarify conditions attached to any promise made in exchange for information. Keep promises.
Our reporters cannot take information from anonymous sources without the approval of from ENigeriaNews news editorial team. We use information from anonymous sources to tell important stories that would otherwise go unreported.
Unnamed Sources Policy
- Where possible, ENigeriaNews will always include the name of sources for the information we publish.
- ENigeriaNews will provide attribution through names, links, and other means to inform the reader about the source of information used in an article.
- While ENigeriaNews prefers not to use confidential sources, we may still use them where the information is deemed credible, important to the readers and where it may negatively impact the livelihood of the source.
- It is within the rights of our Editors will protect the identity of confidential sources.
- Our Editors will also adhere to the law related to the legal rights of the editor (reporter) and the confidential source.
- Where exclusive news has been aggregated, a link to the primary source of information will be placed in the article.
Corrections policy
ENigeriaNews believes in transparency and honesty.
Therefore, ENigeriaNews.com will correct mistakes promptly.
Fullness and freshness of information represent two inescapable values in the online journalism world, and ENigeriaNews believes that accuracy is equally essential; we ensure expediency in making corrections when needed.
ENigeriaNews is dedicated to informing its readers when it has made a mistake (however big or small), conveying the error’s severity, and providing the correct information as soon as the mistake is brought to attention.
When an error is detected within an article, ENigeriaNews immediately works to find the correct information and clearly displays the corrections wherever possible within the article.
The corrections will include:
- The correct information.
- What was originally published that was incorrect.
- The date (and time, if available) when the change took place.
- The process to report errors from within articles is made easy to understand, by providing an email address and form to contact us at the beginning of each article.
Actionable Feedback Policy
ENigeriaNews is committed to engaging with our readers and taking action based on their suggestions, complaints, and other feedback.
If you have a suggestion, criticism, complaint, or compliment, you can contact ENigeriaNews.com at enigerianewspaper@gmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
For publication of Press releases, Statements, and Advert Inquiries, send an email to ENIGERIANEWSPAPER@GMAIL.COM