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How US Embassy Detects Fake Information When Applicants Apply For Visa

ENigeria Newspaper enumerates how the US Embassy detects fake information when applicants apply for an American Visa…


ENigeria Newspaper enumerates how the US Embassy detects fake information when applicants apply for an American Visa.

From time to time ENigeria Newspaper publishes important visa application guides, scholarships as well and relevant travel news in this section and this is one of them we have published below based on demand from our readers.

How Does the US Embassy Detect Fake Information Submitted by Applicants?

You must know that as US visa applicants, embassy officials are specifically trained to read beyond the lies of every visa applicant
Although most lies and liars are amazingly transparent, however, to a trained and experienced embassy official, spotting them a mile away is just about the easiest thing to do.

But in addition, the US has impressive access to data worldwide, and computers that can process it very quickly. You may have heard of the term “big data”. It refers to the fact that we are able to amass huge amounts of seemingly unrelated facts, give it to a computer, and come up with some correlations nobody ever expected.

In terms of immigration processing, what this allows the US to do is check the visa applicant’s data against a world-wide database that shows correlations that never would have been noticed 50 years ago. Suspect statements are then subjected to confirmation, and if they can’t be confirmed, the application will be denied.

This is politely called “administrative processing”. It’s the security check. Sometimes confirmation can take a long time, especially if it requires the cooperation of a foreign entity that is bureaucratic, slow, or non-cooperative. For this reason, its best not to volunteer too much information – you might inadvertently cause an unnecessary confirmation. But any absence of required data, or answers that don’t quite match what is in the database, will surely cause a problem.

Outright lies? They are easily caught.

Many also asked:

What are the chances of getting a US visitor visa approved if I have never traveled to any country?

The chances of getting a US visitor visa approved without any prior travel experience can vary depending on various factors such as your individual circumstances, documentation, and the discretion of the visa officer.

It is advisable to provide strong evidence of your intent to return to your home country, financial stability, and a legitimate purpose for your visit to increase your chances of approval.

However, please note that visa decisions are ultimately made by the US embassy or consulate, and there is no guaranteed outcome.

NB: Check back next time for more information on Visa opportunities, scholarships, and other relevant information centering on tourism and travels across the world, including vis application tip, Canadian student Visa application tips Etc… CLICK HERE


Source: ENigeria Newspaper

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