The family of late singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, also known as Mohbad, has revealed that the private autopsy and toxicology results are ready. The results, which were conducted by a forensic pathologist, have been completed since December.
The family had requested an independent autopsy after the Lagos State Government’s initial autopsy was deemed inconclusive. A Coroner’s Court in Ikorodu granted the family permission to conduct the private autopsy in June 2024.
Meanwhile, a group known as The Critical Thinkers Group has called for the reopening of the coroner’s inquest into Mohbad’s death.
The group expressed concerns that the suspension of the inquest has prolonged the search for answers about the singer’s death.
The group is urging the Magistrate to set a new date for the proceedings and to hear testimonies from key witnesses, including Naira Marley and the family’s pathologist, who is expected to present the findings of the private autopsy.